Location: Bangor, MI
Year of Investment: 2013
Business Category: Farm
Type of Invest: Debt
Website: joesblueberries.com
Mission Alignment: Moss Funnel Farms uses sustainable practices to grow its rare, 60-year old Jersey high bush blueberries, considered to be one of the sweetest varieties around. Customers can buy the blueberries, sold under under the name Joe’s Blues, through its CSA, from selected stores in Michigan and Chicago, or at the farm. In the fall of 2013, Moss Funnel Farms had a bumper crop of berries. They needed capital to freeze, package and store the excess berries, so they could sell the fruit during the winter months to their customers. SLoFIG was asked to step in quickly and provide the much-needed capital. Ensuring a year-round supply of fruit helps lengthen the local berry season, minimize transportation-related fuel consumption and support family farms.